Event Feedback Survey

Use our free event feedback survey to assess your attendees’ overall satisfaction with your event. Gain feedback regarding the venue and services, ask for comments and suggestions, and provide an opportunity for participants to volunteer at future events.

Utilize email notifications to automatically notify appropriate staff members of survey responses. You can even send different emails to different people (e.g. one email could notify someone that a survey’s been completed, and another could notify someone else that a respondent volunteered to help with a future event).

To do this, simply personalize your email notification in the submission settings with an appropriate message. And, use conditional logic to specify who on your staff should be automatically notified whenever new surveys are received or respondents volunteer for future events.

This template is beneficial if you’re an event planner or in charge of managing your organization’s events. You’ll collect helpful data on attendees that you can use for future planning. (And, it’s always fun to hear how much your guests enjoyed your event!)