5 Tips for Customizing Connected Form Templates

Nadia A. By Nadia A. | August 19, 2021

Take your data and put it to work

Use our library of connected form templates to create new workflows and efficiencies! These templates use Lookup fields to pull data from one form to another. In a few clicks, you can create a fully automated workflow for processing orders, collecting surveys, managing event registrations and more.

Lookup fields are available to organizations on the Team and Enterprise plans.

1. Import your entry data

Quick Tip

When editing connected lookup forms, you can open the form with the Lookup field and the source form(s) in separate tabs to easily go back and forth.

Once you’ve saved your connected form template into your organization, you’ll need to replace the sample entry data with your actual data. In this case, you can manually update the individual entries, or use the Import option on the Entries page to upload or update entry data in bulk using an Excel document.

Use the Import option on the Entries page to upload or update entry data in bulk using an Excel document.

2. Add cascading dropdowns

In some cases, your Lookups might include several subsets of choices, such as a list of store locations containing various cities, or a list of coffee bean flavors that come in multiple varieties. You can use the Add Cascade Filter in the Lookup field settings to create a series of up to three cascading dropdowns.

You can use the Add Cascade Filter in the Lookup field settings to create a series (up to three) of cascading dropdowns.

3. Reference lookup data

Any and all data on your source form can be targeted through the Lookup field using calculations. For example, if you’re using the Coffee Order Form template with a connected Inventory Form, you may need to adjust price values based on price fluctuations from the suppliers. Rather than updating all the prices in the inventory form, you can use a separate price field on the order form that references the prices and adjust them accordingly, like so:


To reference a value from a Lookup field, first enter the name of the Lookup field, followed by a period (.), and then the name of the field on the form you are looking up (ex: LookupField.Name.First).

4. Hide choice options as needed

If you’re offering a product with a limited inventory or an event with only a few spots available, the quantity limits feature allows you to set limits and track quantities as needed. To take your workflow one step further, you can even hide choice options from the form when they become unavailable.

For example, let’s say you have a form listing multiple time slots available based on dates and times. In your Lookup field settings, you can set the Include option to only include entries where the number of available slots is greater than zero. As soon as the quantity is exceeded, the option will no longer show up on the form.

Dialog box to hide choice options when availability is not zero.

Additionally, if someone attempts to sign up a number of slots that exceeds the quantity available, your custom error message will appear. Learn more about hiding choice options in Lookups.

Quantity available custom error message.

5. Connect your payment account

When using connected templates with payment options (such as the Yoga Class Registration with Connected Class Schedule or the Easy Food Order Form with Connected Delivery Zip Codes, make sure to connect your payment account to your form.

Simply open the Payment section next the Submission Settings at the bottom of the builder, and add your Stripe, Square, or PayPal account.

Connecting payment accounts.

We hope these tips help you take full advantage of our connected form templates. If you’d like to learn more about building forms, check out our user guide library.

Nadia A.

Nadia A.

Nadia, the Technical Writer for Cognito Forms, develops documentation, support content, and how-to videos. No matter your experience – with her help, you'll be able to take full advantage of the product. In her spare time, Nadia enjoys listening to French house, drinking coffee, and talking about herself in third person.