WordPress plugin

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Our handy plugin allows you to build and publish Cognito Forms directly within WordPress, for free. No coding or no switching between applications; just a quick and easy install. In addition to using the plugin, you can also simply paste your form’s public link directly into the editor of your self-hosted WordPress site as well as WordPress.com

Embedding forms into WordPress

To get started:

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. From the Plugins menu in WordPress, click Add New to upload cognitoforms.zip. Then, click ‘Activate’ to activate the plugin.
  3. After activation, the Cognito Forms plugin will appear in your menu. Click on the plugin to be taken to Cognito Forms.
  4. Once logged in to Cognito Forms, build a new form from a template or from scratch and click Save.
  5. In your WordPress menu, add a new Page or Post.
  6. In the editor, click on the orange Cog-icon for Cognito Forms. Select the form name from the drop down and click Insert Form. The plugin inserts the Cognito Forms short code for you.

Using Cognito Forms' plugin to build and publish a form directly embedded within a WordPress site