How can I reset or update a quantity limit for an existing field?

While Cognito Forms does not currently offer the ability to automatically adjust or reset quantity limits, you can manually reset a quantity limit using one of the following options:

  1. Update the existing quantity limit to account for previous entries. For example, if your field has a quantity limit of 10 and 2 entries have been submitted, you must update the limit to 12 (not 10) to take the previous entries into account. You can use an expression such as =FieldName_QuantityUsed in a calculation on your form to see the number of quantities used on a specific field.
  2. Create a new field to reset the quantity limits. You can simply copy the existing field to create a new field with new quantity limits. Please note that if you delete the old field, the associated entry data will be deleted as well. To maintain the existing data, you can set the Show This Field option in the field settings to Never.

Learn more about quantity limits.