How do I prefill form data from another form?

In Cognito Forms, you can prefill form fields from other forms or from other pre-defined content.

To prefill form fields with data from a different form:

  1. Open the form with the data you want to use for prefilling (“Form A”).
  2. Go to the Workflow menu in the builder and select the Submit action (or whichever action completes the workflow).
  3. Under Confirmation, select Redirect.
  4. Copy the public link of the form you want to prefill (“Form B”) and paste it into Form A’s Redirect section.
  5. At the end of the Url, insert ?entry= followed by curly brackets, ex:{}
  6. In between the curly brackets, specify the form fields you want to prefill and use the Insert Field option to directly insert the field value tokens into the Url.
  7. Save your changes.

Learn more about prefilling forms.

You can also prefill the choices in dropdowns with data entered into another form using our Lookup Field.