Cognito Forms vs Wufoo comparison

Check out our detailed comparison of how our features stack up to Wufoo.

Cognito Forms Wufoo
Form & Field Features
Unlimited Forms (on all plan levels)
Unlimited Fields (on all plan levels)
Calculation Fields
Electronic Signatures
File Uploads (on all plan levels)
Localized Forms
Multi-Page Forms
Rating Scales
Repeating Sections
Save & Resume
Spam Prevention
Full Entry Encryption (all entry data and uploaded files)
Lookup Fields
Multi-Column Layouts
Conditionally Set Fields to Read-only
Unlimited Conditional Logic (a.k.a. rules)
Conditionally Show or Hide Fields
Conditionally Require Fields
Conditionally Show or Hide Pages
Notifications & Confirmations
Conditional Email Notification
Conditional Email Confirmations
Customizable Form Confirmations (on all plan levels)
Attach PDF Receipt to Email Confirmations
Attach Uploaded Files to Email Notifications
Customize message of Email Notifications
Collect Payment (on all plan levels)
Manage Refunds in Application
Keep Cards on File
Entry Management
Export Entries
Responsive Entry Management
Save Entries to PDF
Import Entries from Excel
Style Customization
Template Sharing
Website Embedding
WordPress Plugin
AMP Embedding
Create Custom Documents
Create Section 508 Compliant Forms
Google Analytics
SharePoint Integration
Microsoft Power Automate
Zapier Integration