Currency field

A Currency Field is used to collect responses that are in monetary formats. The user will only be able to input numbers into this field. The number will be displayed as $#,###.## with a decimal value.


The label will display as the title of the field or the question that is being asked on the form. You can select the icon on the right to hide the label on the form. You also can use the pop-up formatting toolbar to insert values from other fields on the form.

Values from protected fields cannot be inserted into the field label.


Display monetary input in three different styles:


Collect input with a simple textbox.


Scroll through monetary values with the plus and minus options. Use the Increment By option to display values on a fixed scale.

Quick Tip

Currency fields in tables cannot be set to the Spinner style.

Select monetary values from a dropdown menu. Use the Increment By option to display values on a fixed scale.


Ranges can be specified to require the user to enter a value between the minimum and maximum values that you set for the field.

Placeholder Text

Placeholder Text is a short prompt that describes the expected value of an input field. The prompt is displayed in the field before you enter a value, and disappears when you begin typing.

Help Text

Help text can be used to assist the user by providing additional instructions. Help text will display directly under the field. Use the formatting toolbar to format text, insert hyperlinks and images, and populate values from other fields on the form.

Values from protected fields cannot be inserted into the help text.

Default Value

Default values can be used to automatically populate the field’s value for the user. The user can then choose to change the default value before submitting the form.

The default value can always be the same value or can change based on certain conditions such as a selected value of another field on the form. To set a changing default value, click the lightening bolt icon in the field to open the Conditional Logic Builder.

Show This Field

By default, fields will always display on the form. However, you may want to hide specific fields or sections based on certain conditions, such as a selected value of another field on the form.

  • Always – Field is always shown.
  • When – Field will only display when specific conditions are met. After selecting this option, the Conditional Logic Builder dialog will display allowing you to select when the field or section should be displayed.
  • For Roles – Field will display only when accessed via a role-based workflow link specific to the role(s) selected.
  • Never – Field will never display.

Require This Field

Requiring a field will make sure the user provides a response. When a field is required, an error message will display, and the form cannot be submitted until a value has been added to the field. Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk next to the label. By default, fields are never required.

  • Always – Field is always required. User must provide a response in order to submit the form.
  • When – Field is required only when specific conditions are met. After selecting this option, the Conditional Logic Builder dialog will display allowing you to select when the field is required.
  • For Roles - Field is required only when accessed via a role-based workflow link specific to the role(s) selected.
  • Never – Field is not required. This is the default behavior.


Set fields and sections as read-only to create simple workflows with your forms. All fields can be made read-only, with the exception of fields that are already read-only by default (Calculation, Price, Content, Page break, etc.).

  • Always – Field is always read-only.
  • When – Field is read-only when specific conditions are met. After selecting this option, the Conditional Logic Builder dialog will display allowing you to select when the field is read-only.
  • For Roles – Field will be read-only when accessed via a role-based workflow link specific to the role(s) selected.
  • Never – Field allows user input. This is the default behavior."

Custom Error

You can set a custom error message that will display under your field when specified conditions become true. The conditional logic builder will allow you to add any number of rules for validating your field. Learn more about the custom error option.
