Page break

Page breaks are used to split your form into multiple pages. To learn more, see Multi-Page Forms.

Use a Page Break to conditionally display pages on your form.

Show Back Button

Give users the option to return to the previous page, and enter the text that you’d like to appear on the button.

Next Button Text

Change the text that appears on the button that takes the user to the next page of the form.

Show Next Page

Use this setting to determine when the next page should be accessible.

  • Always – Page is always shown.
  • When – Page will only display when specific conditions are met. After selecting this option, the conditional logic builder dialog will open allowing you to select when the next page should be displayed.
  • For Roles – Page will display only when accessed via a role-based workflow link specific to the role(s) selected.
  • Never – Page will never display.