Form Read-Only

If at any point you need your entire form to be read-only, you can assign a read-only view based on role or conditional logic. You might use this read-only setting for certain individuals copied on your workflow, or when a workflow is complete.

To access Form Read-Only settings, click Workflow on your form’s Build page.

Access Form Read-Only from the Workflow menu.

You have multiple options when it comes to setting your form to read-only:

  • Always – Assign your form read-only status at all times within your workflow.
  • When – Allow your form to be conditionally read-only. Selecting this will open a dialog to apply conditional logic.
  • For Roles – Enable your form to be read-only for specific roles. Select one or more roles to assign a read-only view.
  • Never – Do not allow for a read-only view at any time within your workflow.

There may be times when manually toggling your form to be read-only Always or Never may be helpful. For example, if a workflow process is no longer in use, toggling on Always can ensure that no further data entry changes to your form will take place through previously sent workflow links. For a more automated process, consider updating your public link settings to set start/end dates for your form.

Learn how set specific fields and sections as read-only.