Create customized confirmation pages

Control what people see after your form is submitted.

Confirmation pages control what a form user sees once performing an action on your form, such as Submit or Update. From a basic confirmation message to a more in-depth page that includes entry details or documents, you can customize confirmation page content for each action you’ve enabled on your form.

You’ll find confirmation options within the Action Settings for an action you’ve created.

Confirmation message

You can customize the confirmation message shared with a form user for any action performed on your form. This Message option is toggled on by default for each new form.

To format your message text or to add links and images, click into the Message field to open formatting options. Here you’ll also find the Insert Field option, which enables you to insert field values from your form. Use this to customize your message by populating the form user’s name, entry number, date of the entry and more.

You can also use the Insert Field option to include a role-based workflow link, which will allow form users to view or edit their entry after submission.

How to create customized confirmation messages.

Entry Details

Quick Tip

We do not recommend including entry details for forms capturing sensitive data.

A confirmation page can include your form user’s entry data, acting as a receipt for an entry. To include entry details, check the box next to Entry Details in the Include section. The entry details will be displayed similar to the layout of your form.

It is important to remember that including entry details will display fields based on the status of the entry at the time of viewing (or in other words, the next status in your workflow). For example, if an entry goes from Incomplete to Submitted, the confirmation message will display fields that are set to show when the status is Submitted.


You also have the option to include your form user’s entry details as either a Word or PDF document on your confirmation page, which can be downloaded by the user. To do this, open the Documents dropdown field and select which document(s) to include by clicking on each document name. You can customize the format of these documents from the Manage Templates menu.

How to include your form user's entry details as either a Word or PDF document on your confirmation page.

Redirect URL

Quick Tip

Forms embedded via the AMP embed option do not redirect upon submission.

If you have a specific web page you’d like to redirect your form user to upon performing an action on your form, you can opt for a redirect URL as your confirmation option instead.

To enable this, make sure Redirect is toggled on below Confirmation, then place the full website address in the provided textbox. If you want to include field values from your form in your Redirect URL, learn more in our form prefill guide.

Please note if you’re including protected fields in your redirect, you must enable HTTPS on your site.

Redirects including sensitive data require HTTPS.