Electronic Signatures

Collect signatures on every form and on any device.

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When typically signing a form, you would first need to print the form out, sign it in pen, and then find a way to deliver it where it needs to go. Instead of wasting all that time and paper, electronic signatures cut out all the steps in between and allow your users to directly sign your form as they are filling it out online.

Available to organizations on our Pro, Team and Enterprise plans.

Mobile and paperless

Electronic signatures are responsive and easy to enter on any device – laptop, tablet, or smartphone. You can sign and submit a form on the go in just a matter of minutes, without the hassle of dealing with a paper copy.

Collecting electronic signatures on your forms is as simple as adding the signature field in your form builder. Like any other field, signatures will appear in entries and PDFs once submitted.

Try it out

Use your mouse or finger to try out electronic signatures for yourself:

Electronic signatures

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