Google Analytics

Connect your Google Analytics account to learn more about your forms and users.

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Want to to better understand who’s using your forms, optimize your forms based on real data, or measure your PPC campaign’s success? Simply connect your existing Google Analytics account to Cognito Forms.

This feature is available to users on the Pro plan and above.

Optimize your forms with Google Analytics 4

By collecting data on your forms’ performance, you can pinpoint obstacles and improve your conversion rates.

Page view events

When someone opens your form, they’ll also generate a pageview in your GA4 account. Just compare this metric to the number of visitors on the page itself to measure how well your landing page is driving people to your form.

With multi-page forms, each page generates a unique pageview. Take advantage of GA4 features like funnel exploration to pinpoint where form non-converters dropped off. You can then address any obstacles to increase conversions.

Form submission events

Send a Form Submission event to Google Analytics every time someone submits your form. Use this data to set up custom reports, measure conversions, and more.

Don’t have Google Analytics? That’s okay. Simply use our tracking pixel to connect your forms to Facebook or any other platform you’re using for PPC campaigns.

Gain insights into your form users

Google Analytics provides a wealth of data you can mine to identify trends in who visits your page and who completes your form. It could even help you identify which of your users is most likely to complete your form. Use Google Analytics to learn about:

  • Demographics
  • On-site behaviors
  • Referral sources
  • Devices used
  • User geography and more

Learn more about tracking your forms with Google Analytics

See the Help Topic

Want to learn more about optimizing your forms? Check out these related articles: