
Export all the data you need directly into Excel for easy management and third-party imports.

Easily export your form data.
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Powerful data is nothing without the ability to export and manage it. Like to crunch numbers and make pie charts? Or need to import your form data into another software system? It’s just a few clicks away with Cognito Forms.

Export to Excel

Export your data just as it was entered: dates as dates, numbers as numbers, and more. Nothing is lost in translation, making it easy to track trends, create fancy charts, and run additional calculations.

Exporting repeating section data

Keep the muscle of all that data when you export. Each repeating section exports to an additional worksheet, giving you high-quality concrete data that’s easy to pull into a third-party system.

Want a real-world example about exporting repeating sections? Check out our blog post.

Save entries to PDF

Save your entry data to a PDF file that you can easily download, print out, or attach to notification and confirmation emails.

Exporting entry data

See the Help Topic